Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Dinosaurs Still Rock at the Post Natural Museum

Think you know all there is to know about Dinos? Think again. A trip to the Museum of Post Natural History (4913 Penn) Opens your eyes to a whole new world, and gets you to rethinking eveything you've ever learned. But, you see, that's the whole idea. This venue is focused on nature that has been intentionally or unintentionally altered by its relationship with man. Often this means by selective breeding or genetic engineering--conditions considered "post natural." According to Wiki, the museum is dedicated to the complex interplay of culture, nature and biotechnology. Exhibits are narrated through old school telephone receivers, and a range of formats are used to tell the needed stories, which are brought to life through film, photography and taxidermy. In addition the center has an extensive online archive of artifacts, specimens and seeds. Open from 6 to 8 pm, on Friday, May 6. Bring the kids to this one....For more to see @ GA/GI Fest check our Events Schedule tab at the top of the page.
Lauren Allen and Richard Pell of CPH

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